Sani-Center Plus Vending Machine


Offer customers a convenient and secure way to access personal protective equipment (PPE), medical supplies, and disinfecting products with the Sani-Center Plus. With the current emphasis on social distancing, this innovative vending solution minimizes face-to-face interaction, allowing consumers to make contactless transactions for essential items without waiting in line or interacting with cashiers.

The Sani-Center Plus provides a wide range of popular safety and medical supplies, including disinfectant wipes, gloves, masks, hand sanitizer, and more. Its configurable flex trays accommodate various product sizes and shapes, from small spray bottles to sanitizing wipes, ensuring versatility in product offerings. Additionally, customizable graphic wraps enable businesses to showcase their brand identity effectively.

Amid concerns about surface contamination, particularly with cash payments, the demand for contactless payment options has surged. The Sani-Center Plus addresses this need by integrating the Greenlite cashless payment platform, allowing consumers to pay with credit cards, debit cards, or mobile wallets like Apple Pay and Google Pay. Powered by near-field communication (NFC) technology, Greenlite ensures a seamless and secure payment experience.

The high demand for safety and PPE products presents a lucrative opportunity for businesses to meet consumer needs while generating revenue through vending. Moreover, the Sani-Center Plus satisfies consumer preferences for contactless transactions, contributing to the overall safety and well-being of customers. Embrace this innovative solution to cater to your customers’ needs effectively with the Sani-Center Plus.
